19 |
[Technology] (안내) Technology 관련정보는 순번의 역순으로 보시기 바랍니다. (위에서 아래로: 18번부터 1번순으로) |
2020.07.22 |
1587 |
18 |
[Technology] Technology |
2020.07.22 |
1645 |
17 |
[Technology] (Basic Principle) Chromogenic Substrates란? |
2020.07.22 |
1811 |
16 |
[Technology] (Basic Principle) Proteolytic enzymes? |
2020.07.22 |
1558 |
15 |
[Technology] (Basic Principle) Serine proteases? |
2020.07.22 |
1606 |
14 |
[Technology] (Basic Principle) The proteolytic mechanism of serine proteases? |
2020.07.22 |
1566 |
13 |
[Technology] (Basic Principle) Enzyme specificity and substrate selectivity |
2020.07.22 |
1582 |
12 |
[Technology] (Basic Principle) Enzyme kinetics |
2020.07.22 |
1560 |
11 |
[Technology] (Basic Principle) Chromogenic substrates in practice |
2020.07.22 |
1559 |
10 |
[Technology] (Selectivity Tables) Substrate selectivity |
2020.07.22 |
1564 |
9 |
[Technology] (Kinetic Tables) Substrate kinetics |
2020.07.22 |
1653 |
8 |
[Technology] (Protein Concentrations in Plasma) |
2020.07.22 |
1603 |
7 |
[Technology] (Theoretical Basis for Calculation) |
2020.07.22 |
1645 |
6 |
[Technology] (International Units and Enzyme Activity) Thrombin |
2020.07.22 |
1604 |
5 |
[Technology] (International Units and Enzyme Activity) Urokinase |
2020.07.22 |
1615 |
4 |
[Technology] (International Units and Enzyme Activity) Tissue-plasminogen activator (t-PA) |
2020.07.22 |
1591 |
3 |
[Technology] (International Units and Enzyme Activity) Factor Xa and X |
2020.07.22 |
1558 |
2 |
[Technology] (International Units and Enzyme Activity) Plasminogen and Plasmin |
2020.07.22 |
1579 |
1 |
[Technology] (International Units and Enzyme Activity) Protein C |
2020.07.22 |
1787 |